Do’s and Don’ts of Treating a Kitten

Did you suddenly find a kitten? Kittens are like newborn babies. They need to be treated with utmost care. Not everyone is aware of the dos and don’ts of treating a kitten correctly. Many cat cafes in Birmingham, like Brizlincoat Farm, can help you with expert guidance on kitten care. Hence, if you’ve adopted a kitten, approach the professionals for further help.

However, read on to know the first basic dos and don’ts to help your kitten feel comfortable and at home.

Keep them warm

A kitten is a very small creature; hence, make sure that you keep it warm as soon as you get the same. You can either lay a heating pad or keep a rice sock or a warm water bottle near the kitten. This will keep the kitten warm and comfortable. However, please don’t place a heavy blanket on the kitten directly as it may suffocate the little creature.

Feed them every 6 hours

You can feed the creature at an interval of 6 hours. However, if you’re unaware of how to feed a little kitten, it’s better to approach a professional for the same. Don’t feed the kitten if you’re inexperienced, as this might increase the chances of choking things. Never feed the kitten with cow’s milk or water as it is dangerous for the digestive system. You can try powdered milk in lukewarm water; this will comfort the little one.

Don’t touch them all the time

For the sake of showing love, don’t cuddle or pick up the kitten often. Body touch might cause infections as the little one is yet to be vaccinated. Moreover, look for the kitten’s mother because she might be haunting somewhere nearby. If you find one, then place the kitten near the same. Make sure that you don’t touch the kitten or stroke too much. This is an uncomfortable feeling for the little one.

If the kittens are old enough to move around searching for food, then let them haunt for themselves. They have a good sense of direction sense, and they will return to the same place.

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